Move through the Stages of Your Heroic Journey
Although there is a different outer appearance for each person's and organization's journey, the stages required to get to each level of awareness are common to all of us. By understanding the stage we are in, it can help us know where we are going and what we need to do to close the gap between our inner sense of direction and outer reality. See a graphical representation of Heroic Myth in Action Stages of the Journey (PDF). Our willingness to transform is what powers our movement through each stage of our heroic journey.
There are 10 stages of the heroic journey that rotate counter-clockwise, symbolizing synchronization with mythological time.
Stage 1: The Call to Adventure
Open to a new state of being.
Stage 2: The Refusal
Examine internal and external terrain.
Stage 3: Acceptance
Align internal and external desire for change.
Stage 4: Crossing the Threshold
Commit to action. Bravery to move forward is tested.
Stage 5: Meeting Allies
Gather internal and external support.
Stage 6: The Trials
Experience where metamorphosis occurs. Evolutionary emergence of the new.
Stage 7: The Respite
Gain wisdom and develop peaceful strength.
Stage 8: Magic Flight
Develop and hone new ways of being.
Stage 9: Triumphant Return
Test wisdom in real world applications.
Stage 10: Master of Two Worlds
Complete the transformative process. Integration of the internal and external.
* The stages presented are adapted from The Hero's Journey workshops conducted in Seattle by mythologist Peter Wallis and the Hero's Journey Monomyth concepts from The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 3rd edition, by Joseph Campbell, copyright © 2008; reprinted by permission of Joseph Campbell Foundation (
The Collective Stages of an Organization's Journey
Each person's personal heroic journey contributes to the collective heroic journey of the organization and vice versa.
Just as the personal heroic journey is a quest to discover the core of who we are, the collective heroic journey of an organization is a quest to discover the core values and mission that have brought a particular group of people together. Also, just as there is an inner voice within each of us, there is an inner voice within the organization that is reflective of the grouping of people who make up the whole organization at a particular time and place. (See Get to the Heart of Organizational Transformation© for more details.)
We’re Here to Support You
Personalized Mentoring
While you have a unique heroic path to follow in life, you don’t have to face your personal challenges alone. We are here to help you master those challenges through Life Guidance Mentoring and Leadership Development Mentoring.
Let us know if we can further support you on your personal or professional journey!